Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Bridal Shower (wait for it...) FROM HELL (part 2)

I'm not sure if you saw the Mayweather-Judah fight, but it is perhaps best known for a near riot breaking out in the ring as a result of a vicious low-blow. The cool thing about this night was, I got to see that pandemonium on TV, and after the fight was over, experience even greater bedlam all around me. It took interactivity to a whole new level.

Before all that went down though, the doorbell rang. It was Joe, Becky's younger brother. I haven't really hung out with Joe much, but he seems like a good guy. He's very quiet, sort of plays it cool. Becky, another of my sister's friends, is neither of those things. I like her, but when drunk, she's a bit of a loud, sloppy drunk (actually, that's sort of a theme of this evening. check that; it's a theme of these people's lives). Tonight, she was very drunk. In her defense, Becky had had a rough go of it over the course of the evening. Apparently, the other girls chose this moment to tell her that none of them liked her boyfriend, who she was either living with or moving in with. And then she called him and got in a fight with him (more on him later). Or maybe it was one and not the other. It didn't involved highly-skilled athlete's beating each other bloody, so it received a mere fraction of my attention. Either way, Becky was feeling some stress, but had drank enough wine that she was not feeling much of anything else. All she was really doing was cursing. At some point, she was sitting on the couch next to me. Then she was on the floor; I'm not really sure how it happened, but it surely did. Her brother was going to take her home, which I found to be very thoughtful. How did she thank him? Well, when he went to help her up (and I believe help her put her shoes on; I think that's what she was trying to do that led to her falling off the couch) she cursed at him and pushed him, before essentially being physically dragged/carried out of the house. On any other night, this might have gone down as a classic performance, but tonight it was little more than an opening act. After all, this was a bridal shower; truly, this was Pam's day.
[to be continued, again]


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